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Unlimited PTO: Pros and Cons from a Human Resources Perspective

In recent years, the concept of unlimited paid time off (PTO) has gained popularity among forward-thinking companies as they seek innovative ways to attract and retain top talent. While it may sound like a dream come true for employees, this policy also raises some important considerations from a human resources perspective. In this blog, we […]

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Leveraging Neurodiversity: A Solution for Employers Facing Skill Shortages

In today’s rapidly evolving job market, employers across various industries are grappling with a growing skills shortage that threatens their ability to meet business demands and remain competitive. As the competition for talent intensifies, forward-thinking companies are recognizing the untapped potential of neurodivergent candidates as a solution to this pressing issue. Neurodiversity refers to the

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Exploring the Risks and Benefits of AI in Human Resources

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made its way into various sectors, including Human Resources (HR). AI-powered tools and systems have the potential to revolutionize HR processes and streamline operations. However, like any emerging technology, AI in HR comes with its own set of risks and benefits. In this blog, we will delve into

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The Significance of Diversity during Pride Month: A Human Resources Perspective

As Pride Month takes center stage, it’s a time for individuals and organizations to reflect on the importance of diversity and inclusion. From a human resources perspective, fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment is not only ethically imperative but also vital for a company’s success. In this blog, we delve into the significance of

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Embracing a New Era: The Power of Remote Onboarding at Companies

In the wake of the global pandemic, remote work has become the norm for many companies. As a result, traditional onboarding processes have evolved to accommodate remote employees. This blog explores the benefits and challenges of remote onboarding and highlights effective strategies to ensure a smooth transition for new hires. Remote onboarding is a transformative

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What Is Quiet Hiring?

We have talked about quiet quitting and quiet firing, but what is “Quiet Hiring”? According to, “quiet hiring is an HR tactic used to promote internal talent mobility and allows an organization to “acquire new skills and capabilities without adding new full-time employees.” In other words, it means giving current employees more responsibility, sometimes

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How Should Clients and Employees Be Greeted in 2023?

Pre-COVID, handshakes, and depending on the nature of the professional relationship, light hugs were the go-to greetings as this provided a professional and personal welcome to clients and/or employees. With the steady increase of clients and employees returning to physical workplaces, one may ask themselves, how do you properly greet someone going into 2023 without

How Should Clients and Employees Be Greeted in 2023? Read More »